Brittni Colleps |
According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, three out of five students said they were having sex was consensual and asked his former teacher was not punished. However, the jury considers the relationship was odd and violated the code of ethics and law in the country. Consequently, the mother of three children had to deal with a sentence of 20 years in prison and a fine of $ 10 thousand for each case.
"It's a victimless crime," said his lawyer, Lex Johnston. "I do not find the mind of the students who is touted as the victim. They were not kids, they are men who are growing up."
Police confirmed the victim was 18 years old or not, what Colleps, which incidentally is a teacher, to take his students love, is a "crime". "This is not a gray area. Was clear she was innocent," said attorney Tim Rodgers.
In a statement, the students stated intercourse with the teacher going home Colleps and performed together at least two times. The case was uncovered when a video emerged showing the four students amid sex with Colleps, which was recorded by the other students....
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